Online IELTS prep
We help students like you get your best
IELTS® score
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Why choose Tutoria for IELTS Preparation
Continuous Learning
We empower and enable you in your academic life as well as your professional one. We want you to feel confident every time you walk into a job interview, communicate with a stranger or give a presentation. The ease of your day-to-day encounters is at the heart of all our IELTS coaching.
Digital Classrooms
We employ the latest technology to make sure our students have access to resources absolutely everywhere. Assignments and quizzes are posted on Edmodo, an online educational platform, to ensure ease of accessibility.
Trusted Curriculum
Our manuals consist of handpicked questions, which have helped thousands of students achieve their dream scores and perfect their IELTS preparation. Our affiliations with exam boards give us and you exclusive access to practice material which is otherwise available only to examiners.
Learning by Doing
We’ve done our research, so you don’t have to face a single hurdle in mastering the art of taking exams. We take immense pride in using the “learning by doing” methodology and have put ample practice material to the test, prior to opening our doors to you.
No-cramming Policy
At Tutoria, we believe religiously in making each and every second of your time count, which means you’ll be developing critical thinking and problem solving skills crucial to ace these tests and won’t ever have to mug up anything.
These tests measure the ability of non-native English speakers to use and understand the English language as it is heard, spoken, read and written in the university classroom or a country where the first language is English. The tests help you gauge where you are at in terms of your English proficiency.
Course will be taught in English. The candidate will be required to speak in English throughout the duration of this course, helping them perfect their IELTS preparation.

What will you learn?
What will you learn?
Week 01
Introduction to IELTS, overview and general discussion on the exam pattern
Reading: Passage 1
Writing: Interpreting Data
Speaking: about interests
Listening: QuestionTypes
Sub skills: comparing and contrasting; academic style; academic vocabulary
Wednesday – IELTS Test 1
Week 04
Reading: Passage 4
Writing Task 3
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 3
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 3
Week 07
Reading: Passage 7
Writing Task 5
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 6
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 5
Week 02
Reading: Passage 2
Writing Task 1
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 1
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 2
Week 05
Reading: Passage 5
Writing Task 4
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 4
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 4
Week 08
Reading: Passage 7
Writing Task 7
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 7
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 6
Week 03
Reading: Passage 3
Writing Task 2
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 2
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 2
Week 06
Reading: Passage 6
Writing Task 5
Speaking: Speaking about problems; describing places
Listening: Audio 5
Sub skills: Reflective learning
Wednesday – IELTS Test 4
Take-aways from the course
​Improve your IELTS and TOEFL score
Be confident in speaking in English in their day to day lives
Be able to better understand instructions given in English
Comprehend an in-depth understanding of Admissions Process for Undergraduate and Graduate Level studies throughout the World
Students will be prepared to handle interviews for their University/Jobs etc.
Course highlights
Inspiring and Engaging classes
“Learning by Doing” teaching methodology
Online Assignments and Quizzes
No Need to Purchase Extra Prep Books
Private One-on-One for Everyone
Guaranteed Money-back if no improvement in score
Digital Classroom for Everyone
We leverage smart technology to collaborate with students online and post assignments and quizzes that are electronically submitted by students and automatically graded.
Students can access their files 24/7 through their cloud-based ‘Library’.
A message board allows secure and open communication that is monitored and controlled by the teacher.

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